hyperx cloud stinger review    buy now

hello internet world welcome to my blog what's something for you gamers 

today especially if you've got an Xbox one or an Xbox one X this is from HyperX absolutely love the HyperX brand they make fantastic products and they very kindly sent me out this gaming headset so that I could do this review for you all of the opinions expressed within this post are indeed my own and if throughout this particular live broadcast yes.

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 we are alive you want to check this out for yourself and maybe purchase one there are links down in the post  where you can both buy this and also to the HyperX website that's all the housekeeping out the way let's take a look at the product well let's actually start with the Box really nice colorful box product name on the front it says it's got comfortable durable and convenient design we talked about that very shortly is of course for the Xbox as it mentions just here console gaming optimized it says on the back.

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hyperx cloud stinger core pc

also two year warranty on this so really nice warranty is that going to balance up there it's not going to balance we pop it down on the desk let's take a look at the actual headset itself big hello to everyone tuning in live including Chuck thank you very much for tuning in live Chuck really do appreciate it so this is the HyperX cloud x stinger core gaming headset what name what our name the cloud cloud x stinger core and it really is like a stripped back gaming headset.

 I think it's very nice because it's so so simple it's obviously wired we've got an inline remote control or an inline control I should say for controlling volume and the mix of the audio there's also little mute switch on there as well so you can mute the microphone and the cables terminated in a three-and-a-half millimeter audio jack nice amount of padding on the top very nice padding on these and in fact even though.

 I can definitely say that this is a like a cheaper great material than some of the premium headsets that HyperX make it's really nice I'm like in fact to a certain degree I prefer this because it's it's just so soft very very soft really do like that we've also got the microphone which of course is on the side and this you can adjust you can pull this down.

 you can bend it in and out to the right position that's really nice as well so nice that we can get the mic out of the way when it's not in use and as we've all headphones and headsets you can of course extend the size on the sides is like a slight ratchet mechanism.

 you can see the metal piece in the middle there and then the headset itself has got a little bit of rotation here on the head cups and rotation here as well that's going to ensure very comfortable fit and what I really like about these is the lightness very very nice so next to no fatigue.
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 when wearing these for a long time is what I would say let's pop these on super comfortable us they're very comfy indeed and they've got just about the right amount the clamp on the head so they're not going to move anywhere but they're not too tight really very nice and they also block out a nice amount of the external noise so I'm a really a big fan of these very very comfy and eight and as I say because they're so light they they actually are really really comfy to use for prolonged periods of time.

 I was just looking at my audio meters they're good proof that these are good is that this mic was picking up my voice and normally when you when you can't hear your external surroundings you tend to naturally talk a little bit louder.

 I was noticing there that I was definitely talking quite a bit um so they definitely do the job of sort of isolating external noise also sound leakage from these Joran uses very minimum gameplay superb learnings are tested these with the Xbox the other day and it sounded really clear and for the price is quite amazing what they've done here as I say it's a stripped back I think thus the name the cloud x stinger course it's like a core product and they just sound so good very very nice indeed really do like I think HyperX we've got a winner on there and if you want to improve your gaming audio and play those late night sessions without disturbing people around.

 you then these are well worth checking out these are the HyperX cloud x core a stinger core so can't get the name right such a long product name these are the HyperX cloud x stinger core gaming headset the build quality really very good of course primarily plastic but a nice grade of plastic or didn't mention the microphone when you've got that microphone down in place very clear pick up on the audio on the microphone and everyone if you want to pick up this for yourself check out the links down below if you're into your gaming.

 you really should invest in a good gaming headset and if your budget is a little bit restricted because you spend most your money on games perhaps.

 afterall buy from amazon click here

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