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 I'm Dipak review if you're interested in doing freelance work or maybe you're just interested in earning some money on the internet but you don't know how to do it and you found this website somewhere on social media or maybe you got an email you want to check it out.

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I'm Dipak gurjar review it for you let you know how it works and then you can decide whether or not you want to become a freelance okay now is a big freelancing website they've been around for years years and years over ten years they're one of the big behemoths and basically you can come on here basically become a freelancer first of all work on many many different kinds of jobs for example website development graphic design logo design you know marketing writing mobile apps I mean there's a lot of different things you can see here photo shop article writing finance accounting banner design so yes you need to have some skills okay if you want to become a freelancer but the beauty is of course you can actually work from home deliver these projects to different clients and and earn some money that way okay so that's that's the great thing about freelancer as a business now there are a lot of other websites like freelance as well like up work is another one up work is a very big one they're also very very old and another one which is very popular and I like to use this not as a freelancer but as a user as a client you know buying services is right now freelance is slightly different okay the the cost of the services are a little bit more yes as a freelancer who comes on here and provides services for clients all over the world you have to pay a fee right now there are different levels there are four levels there is the $0.99 level per month okay which means that you can only bid on 15 jobs.

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okay and that's how it works and that's kind of the problem with freelancing websites right so imagine this there are thousands and thousands of freelancers all over the world specializing in a lot of different skills like you can see here so ghostwriting copywriting PHP web design you know Photoshop logo design all that kind of stuff voiceovers and stuff like that however there's a limited amount of clients that need jobs every time a client like me posts a job to get something done you will have hundreds of people bidding for those jobs that's how it works right and the one that has the best resume the one that looks the best usually wins okay and the way that it works on freelancer is that there are four levels that you have to pay for as a freelancer so with the basic level is $0.99 per month you get 15 bids the next level is $4.95 per month you get 50 bids the next level is $29.95 per month you get 300 bits and the premier level is 69 95 per month that you have to pay as a freelancer but you get to bid for job seven hundred times now just because you bid for a job doesn't necessarily mean that you're Dipak get it okay so that's the whole thing about freelancing is that it's a very competitive space yes you can work from home yes you can use your skills in whatever software development banner design Linux finance legal manufacturing all that stuff but you're still competing against hundreds of other freelancers out there that are using the freelancer website okay so that so that's kind of the thing you have to get really good at not only delivering your product in order to get jobs but you have to get really good at bidding for those jobs as well okay so the better that you are that bigger your portfolio you have the higher a member you are depending on how much you pay per month as a freelancer with freelancing com will depend on how many jobs that you actually get okay so as a site it's.

 okay you know you're gonna get what you pay for but remember that freelancing and here's the thing right if you're somebody who doesn't know how to make money online and you're visiting this post because you're interested in becoming a freelancer you just have to understand that navigating the freelancing community whether you're using a freelancer com or you're using upward comm or you're using fiber comm they all have the same set of problem and those problems are you have to get very good at bidding otherwise you won't get the jobs okay now let's just assume that you get really good at that as in you're paying for the higher level and  you're bidding for lots of jobs and you're getting a lot of jobs you still have to understand that this is still a job on the Internet okay so yes it's better than you know getting in your car and commuting to the office every single day and stuff like that but you're still stuck in a job so even though people you know say oh yeah you know freelancing is great because you can work anytime you want you still have to understand that you still have to hustle because if you're not hustling on your jobs if you're not responding to people if you're not bidding for jobs that are coming in every single day you're not gonna be making that much money anyway okay so in order for you to make a lot of money freelancing is in fact  very difficult because there are a few things that you have to get really good at number one if the could be number one you have to use the right platform number two.

 you have to get really good at bidding and winning jobs number three you have to be good in your field to be able to deliver to your client right and number four you're still stuck in a job because no matter what you say right even though you are working from home you're still working for other people because you're delivering projects on a timely basis does that make sense right so yes it's better than an office job but you're still tied to a job on the Internet and that's my whole problem with freelancing okay now if that's you if you're like Aaron I just want to learn to make a little bit of money freelancing online then yeah it's it's not bad okay it's better than then working a full-time job but you're still not going to be able to create any leverage because here's the thing about freelancing right if you're not delivering on your projects you're not making any money and that's a problem so your your the amount of money that you can make there is an invisible ceiling yeah I mean there's only so many hours in the day right think about that so even if you're busting your butt ten hours a day delivering projects with making logos or doing voiceovers or you know writing code or you know whatever it is Python or whatever it is that you're doing on this freelancing website you're still you're still limited by the amount of hours that you can put into the jobs every single day which means that your income is limited which is a problem right now if you want to do that then freelancing freelancer com is is a great website they've been around for a long time they've stood the test of time which is which is completely fine but for me as an incident market as someone who came online 11 years ago in 2009 make some money freelancing just doesn't make sense to me at all I mean why be a freelancer you know if you really think about it right all you're doing is you're taking a full-time job and you're moving it to your house instead of doing it in an office and for me when I first came online in 2009 the reason why I came online is because I wanted to create leverage.

I wanted to create internet income global leverage internet income I didn't want a job from home right which is why I never ever did freelancing because I just think that it doesn't really make sense if I'm Dipak be putting effort into you know online stuff anyway I may as well get paid multiples instead of you know still working for a quote unquote virtual boss and having to hit deadlines whenever they want me to I don't have any deadlines as an internet marketer I set my own deadlines I create my own leverage and I make way  more money than any freelancer ever could because I'm an internet marketer I'm not a freelancer okay now if you're visiting my post and you're like Dipak I just want to do freelancing then great freelancer com is a great website up were calm is a great website Fiverr calm for freelancing is a great website now do you have to learn how to to become a great freelancer yes you do okay but can you make a lot of money from it not that not really I mean again your trading time for money right there's a cap on how much money that you can earn but if you're visiting the post because you want to learn to leverage the internet but you don't know how you know you were like me back in 2009 eleven years ago right you're like Aaron I want to make money online I don't know how to do it I've heard of freelancing on the internet but I'm not sure if that's for me or not so if that's you then maybe I can help you out okay I've been online now for 11 years okay I've tried everything except for freelancing because I don't I don't agree with this business model cuz it's like a job from home right and that's not what I wanted to do but I've done MLM from home I've done a fillip marketing I've done internet marketing as an e-commerce I've done drop shipping I've done free make money websites I've done GPT survey websites you name it I've tried it alright and there are so many different business models online where some work better than others and a lot of them don't really pay that much money and so I struggled for a long time 2009 to 2016 I spent more than nine $80,000 you heard me right 90,000 dollars of my own hard earned money from my job at that time and I would plow it into online into the online world trying to figure out how do I create leverage how do I really leverage the internet so that I can leave my job you know replace my income I'll make more than what I was making online in my offline job and then do it 100% just from home from the power  of the internet right and so I finally broke through in 2016 okay with something called affiliate marketing now all affiliate marketing is  when you find a digital product that people want you find the people that want it.

you join them together you become a great connector that that's all it is it's a very simple business model right when you sell those products online a digital product you make a commission that's how it works now the great thing about affiliate marketing is that you don't even need to own your own products you can there are a lot of marketplaces out there where you can find a lot of different products in a lot of different niche markets so whether it's weight loss whether it's motivation whether it's affiliate marketing whether it's lead generation make money online how to make a beehive how to learn how to play the guitar how to learn how to play the piano there's so many niche markets out there where you can just grab these free products and learn how to market them okay but here's the trick if you don't understand how to market properly you will never make any money in affiliate marketing and that's kind of the problem with the industry is that there's so much bad information out there that it took me so long to figure it out but when I finally did in 2016 man things started to change.

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     I started to make hundreds of sales I made tens of thousands of dollars I tripled my old corporate income in April 2019 and I left my corporate job in April 2019 and now I do this full-time from home and I teach hundreds of students all over the world how to do exactly the same thing now the beauty about affiliate marketing and doing proper internet marketing is you can make as much income as you want okay and the reason for that is because there's leverage there's videos this software there's technology there's the internet you don't have some client expecting you to deliver a logo design or a voiceover design tomorrow right you  don't have to bid for anything.

         you're in control of your own business but is it a business yes it's a business so is it gonna take time yes is it gonna take work yes is it gonna require you to invest money and investment in time into the business yes because it's a real business okay so there are a couple of things here right if you want to become a freelancer and you just want to work a couple of jobs make a little bit of money then sure freelancer com is a great website but if you're here because you're confused and you don't know how to make money online but you're interested in learning how to leverage the Internet then I highly recommend affiliate marketing and I would love to teach you how to do that if you are interested in doing this whole you know online internet marketing thing from home properly okay so I've got a free training program all.

  I will post you a video that will show you step-by-step how to do this okay how do you find products how do you market online how do you connect people together how do you become a great marketer and what it really takes to build a real business where you can potentially earn five six seven figures a year right way way way more than you could ever do freelancing and once you build your foundation you're not gonna have to work 8 9 10 12 hours a day in order to make a little bit of money which is basically what freelancing is okay I hope that makes sense but anyway I hope you enjoyed this review of freelancer com depends on what you want to do but look if you'd like to take this to the next level learn to market online properly build a real business build real income write your own paycheck I would love to teach you how to do that my name is Dipak I hope you click on the follow below and I'll speak to you very soon take care freelancing is okay I hope that makes sense but anyway I hope you enjoyed this review of freelancer com depends on what you want to do but look if you'd like to take this to the next level learn to market online properly build a real business build real income write your own paycheck I would love to teach you how to do that my name is Dipak I hope you click on the link below and I'll speak to you very soon take care.

how much freelancers earn in india
freelancers earn daily more than 500$ so you can try it.

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